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Sql Native Client 2005 Driver

Microsoft SQL Server Native Client (SQL Native Client) is a single dynamic-link library (DLL) containing both the SQL OLE DB provider and SQL ODBC driver. It contains run-time support for applications using native-code APIs (ODBC, OLE DB and ADO) to connect to Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, 2000 or 2005. SQL Native Client should be used to create new applications or enhance existing applications that need to take advantage of new SQL Server 2005 features. This redistributable installer for SQL Native Client installs the client components needed during run time to take advantage of new SQL Server 2005 features, and optionally installs the header files needed to develop an application that uses the SQL Native Client API.

sql native client 2005 driver


This issue may occur when SCCM uses a SQL Server Native Client driver that does not have a fix. To resolve this issue, download and install the Native client fix that's listed in the Client Components downloads section of this article. For example: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client - QFE.

Booth the ODBC driver and the OLEDB provider have been released within the "Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2005".There are four versions of this Feature Pack. The latest is the "December 2008" package.

ODBC SQL Native Client 2005 driver with Windows authentication: Driver=SQL Native Client;Server=ComputerName\InstanceName;Database=MyDatabase;Trusted_Connection=YesODBC SQL Native Client 2005 driver with SQL authentication: Driver=SQL Native Client;Server=ComputerName\InstanceName;Database=MyDatabase;UID=MyLogin;PWD=MyPassword

OLE DB SQL Native Client 2005 driver with Windows authentication: Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Server=ComputerName\InstanceName;Database=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=SSPIOLE DB SQL Native Client 2005 driver with SQL authentication: Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Server=ComputerName\InstanceName;Database=MyDatabase;UID=MyLogin;PWD=MyPassword

Sorry If I didn't include enough information about the application. I have two offices in different locations. I would like to use the Directors assistant software to share information between the two offices. I am not entirely sure about how the application itself works and the only info that I have obtained from the company tells me I need to modify the connection string when I get an error 26. I am trying to establish a connection to the Server from a client machine on the remote network. If there is any other information I can provide let me know and I will do so. I am able to connect to the server from the client with MS Management Studio 2005.

  • You get an error saying "Hach WIMS failed to connect to Microsoft SQL" with an error message "Hach WIMS failed to connect to Microsoft SQL" and an empty error detail: CLIENT-SIDE CHECK:Make sure your connection string is correct - check the Hach_WIMS_Client.ini file and see if the "HACHWIMS_CONNECTION_DATASOURCE" setting is correct.

  • If you think it is, perform a "UDL test" to see if the searver is reachable. The important bit to realize here is that we are NOT using ANY Hach software - this on a low-level, windows + driver world only. If we can't connect using the UDL test, we cannot connect with the WIMS client and it now becomes either a network issue or a SQL Server Configuraiton/Security issue and needs troubleshooting on the server. To perform a UDL test:

  • Make sure Windows is not hiding extensions to know files. On XP-generation OS's, open up Explorer and go Tools -> Folder Options -> View -> uncheck "Hide extensions to known file types"

  • On Vista and later, open up Explorer and go Organize -> Folder And Search Options -> View -> uncheck "Hide extensions to known file types"

  • Create a file with an extension ".udl", double-click it to open it

  • In the provider tab, make sure you select the correct driver! Note: if using MSOLEDBSQL Driver the provider in this tab should be Microsoft OLE DB for SQL Server. In this example, the 2005 Native Client is selected.

  • Under the Connection tab, fill out the server host and SQL Server instance name just like in the WIMS Client INI file, fill in the OPSDBA credentials and do NOT save the password. Hit "Test Connection":If successful, click OK. Then, open the UDL file in notepad (don't double-click it, that will open it in "UDL" mode!):Make sure the "Provider=" string matches what is in the WIMS Client ini file.

  • SERVER-SIDE CHECK:Make sure the SQL Server you're connecting to is running (Start -> Run -> "services.msc") In this example, the SQL Server instance we're connecting to (OPSSQL) is stopped and needs to be started.

  • Make sure the database owner is set to OPSDBA

SYMPTOM:You get an error saying "Hach WIMS failed to connect to Microsoft SQL" with an error message "Hach WIMS failed to connect to Microsoft SQL" and an error detail "TCP Provider: No connection could be makde because the target machine actively refused it"

For SQL Server 2005, Microsoft has provided the new SQL Native Client driver to replace the previous SQL Server driver. After you have upgraded your IDB host database server to SQL Server 2005, any ODBC connection needs to use the SQL Naive Client driver. By applying the patch published as QO78998, the ADT will recognize the SQL Native Client driver as a valid driver for an IDB host.

The "SQL Server Native Client 11.0" is the last "Native Client" version. There is no native client version for SQL server 2014 and higher (but they are still provided with SQL Native Client 11.0). The successors for SQL Native Client are:

When downloading and installing SQL Server clients on 64-bit systems, choose the x64 version. This will install both 64-bit and 32-bit ODBC drivers. The DataFlex SQL Server driver will use the 32-bit version.

The DataFlex SQL Drivers can be configured to check for a minimum client version to be installed. This can be specified with the Minimum_Client_Version setting in driver configuration file (,,, or at runtime with the DF_Driver_Minimum_Client_Version attribute.

The DataFlex SQL drivers can be configured to check for matching database server and client versions. This can be specified with the Match_Client_Server_Version setting in driver configuration file (,,, or at runtime with the DF_DRIVER_MATCH_CLIENT_SERVER_VERSION attribute.

The Microsoft ODBC driver for SQL Server is installed on the machine where Alpha Anywhere is running.Note that there are three different drivers from Microsoft. This is new since SQL Server 2005.Previously, updating the MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) package kept things current.

Microsoft SQL Server Native Client (SQL Native Client) contains the SQL ODBC driver and SQL OLE DB provider in one native dynamic link library (DLL) supporting applications using native-code APIs (ODBC, OLE DB, and ADO) to Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Native Client was introduced in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to provide new functionality above and beyond that supplied by the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC).

These errors can occur if SQL Server client drivers are not installed on the PC, or the version of the drivers used are not supported with the version of SQL Server release the user is connecting to. The drivers must be the same or newer than the SQL Server release. For example, Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server is supported with SQL Server 2019, and must be used when connecting to a SQL Server 2019 instance from ArcGIS.

Though both SQL Server Native Client and ODBC drivers are often backward compatible to older releases, they are not necessarily forward compatible. There is no guarantee older/unsupported clients can work without issue. When upgrading the environment, the SQL Server client drivers must be upgraded as well. This is to ensure newer functionality introduced in ArcGIS is supported.

The MSOLEDBSQL SQL Server interface allows you to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, or 2019 databases using the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server. The Microsoft OLE DB Driver 18.2 or later must be installed on the client computer. Before installing the driver, check the supported OS version at: -us/sql/connect/oledb/applications/support-policies-for-oledb-driver-for-sql-server?view=sql-server-ver15. You can download the driver from the Microsoft website at -us/sql/connect/oledb/download-oledb-driver-for-sql-server?view=sql-server-ver15.

The Provider DBParm parameter for the SQL Native Client (SNC) interface allows you to select the SQL Server version that you want to connect to. You can set this parameter in script to SQLNCLI (for the SNC 9.0 driver that connect to SQL Server 2005), to SQLNCLI10 (for the SNC 10.0 driver that connects to SQL Server 2008), or SQLNCLI11 (for the SNC 11.0 that connectc to SQL Server 2012 or later). Otherwise, you can select one of these providers on the Connection tab of the Database Profile Setup dialog box for the SNC interface.

SQL Server Native Client is the native client side data access library for Microsoft SQL Server, version 2005 onwards. It natively implements support for the SQL Server features including the Tabular Data Stream implementation, support for mirrored SQL Server databases, full support for all data types supported by SQL Server, asynchronous operations, query notifications, encryption support, as well as receiving multiple result sets in a single database session. SQL Server Native Client is used under the hood by SQL Server plug-ins for other data access technologies, including ADO or OLE DB. The SQL Server Native Client can also be directly used, bypassing the generic data access layers.[34]

In partone of our four-part series on connecting Microsoft Access to a SQL Server database,we outlined the steps for creating a ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) using the SQL ServerOLE DB driver. With the advent of SQL Server 2005 we had a new driver at our disposalfor the purpose of connecting to SQL Server 2005: the SQL Native Client or SNACfor short. If you want to take advantage of some of the new features associatedwith SQL 2005 and later you'll need to use SNAC. How is using this driver any different?Are there any new capabilities with this new driver?


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